About the Joy of Details

I am an enthusiastic wanderer by choice, of the many addictive rabbit-holes lurking around us. While under the trance of such bingeful travels, reality often has a penchant to interrupt rudely. A few hurriedly planted blog posts, can often provide a reference point to return in quieter times to the same pursuit of information or experience for its own sake. This is my playground and lab to play and record what I stumble upon. It is an opportunity to learn more, dig deeper, and have fun. It is a candid and unashamedly unstructured attempt to document a personal side. I want to keep it simple and post as often as possible.

Some content I choose for this site are related to the type of media I consume. Books, movies, documentaries, articles, instructions, ruminations, personal reflection and pretty much anything that catches my fancy is a good candidate for this blog.

The most interesting aspect of creation is the level of detail we decide to add to the work. The delicate and artful balance we need to maintain while capturing the right amount of details is crucial to the final effect and satisfaction. Zoom in and mine a truckload of details or zoom out and capture a bird’s-eye view. Whatever the level of detail, the joy is in pursuing, understanding, appreciating, and capturing information for its own sake, and that is the joy of details.